Privacy Notice

Welcome to NowMap! NowMap is a public open network platform that allows you to create and post content, including videos, comments, information, text, graphics, photos, music, sounds, voice, likes, comments, shares, collections, saves, and other material that you generate ('User Content'). We are committed to protecting your privacy, and this privacy notice ('Privacy Notice' or 'Notice') explains how NowMap ('NowMap,' 'we,' or 'us') collects, uses, shares, and protects the information of users of the NowMap mobile application and any related websites, software applications, and technologies where this Privacy Notice is posted (collectively, the 'Service'). Our Notice applies to all visitors, users, and others who access the Service ('User(s)' or 'you').

By using our Service, you understand and agree that we are providing a platform for you to post your content and share your content publicly. Unless you change your privacy settings to private, your content will be public to all users. This means that potentially anyone in the world may search for, see, use, or share any of the content that you make publicly available through the Service, consistent with the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice, our User Terms of Service, and any other applicable terms posted on the Service.

Please note that this Privacy Notice only applies to the Service, and not to websites, applications, operating systems, or other platforms of third parties (collectively, 'Third-Party Platforms'), even if such Third-Party Platforms are linked to or accessible from the Service. Each Third-Party Platform will have its own data collection and usage practices and may use its own cookies, web beacons, and other technology to collect information from you. NowMap is not responsible for the content or practices of any Third-Party Platforms and, if you choose to visit or use them, you do so at your own risk.

If you have questions about this Notice, how we collect or process your data or anything else related to our privacy practices, please contact us at any time.

1. What types of information do we collect?

'Information,' as used in this Privacy Notice, means personal information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a User. Examples include a Users name or email address. NowMap collects the following categories of information about you and other users of the Service:

Information You Provide: We collect information from you when you voluntarily provide it to us when using the Service, including as part of registering a user account. For example, users can voluntarily change the username, and provide a password, display name, bio, email address, profile picture, and gender. As you must be 13 years old and above to use NowMap Services, and for us to comply with applicable laws, such as COPPA, we must obtain your date of birth. However, your email address, phone number, and birth date will remain private unless you provide NowMap with additional consent to make the information public. Further, for you to upload content from your camera roll, such as videos and photos, you must grant us access to your camera or photos/albums. NowMap may also collect and process data including any album names, the videos and photos stored in each album, the time and location the content was created, and the amount of content stored in each album.

Content You Have Published: We collect information from you that you voluntarily upload to the Service for public or private display ('Published Information'), such as User Content, which may include videos, text, photos, nicknames, and bio. Once you submit Published Information, neither you nor NowMap can control how it may be copied, shared, or used by third parties, even if you and/or NowMap later delete such Published Information. Therefore you should carefully consider what personal information you choose to include within your Published Information.

Device/Internet Connection Information: When you use the Service, we automatically gather information made available by your web browser, internet service provider, and device, depending on your settings for each. For example, we may collect information about your hardware and software (namely, your device model, operating system version, device memory, advertising identifiers, unique application identifiers, apps installed, unique device identifiers, browser type, language, battery level, and time zone).

advertisement, including the Service: We may use this information to understand your behavior and interests on NowMap, such as the User Content you viewed or engaged with, the frequency and duration of the engagement, or other User or Business profiles you interacted with. We may also collect such information from emails we send to users, allowing us to understand the open rate of emails and click-through rates of links. This will help us continue to improve the Service

Identifiers and Social Network Information: We may collect unique identifiers, device IDs, and other identifiers from the Facebook, Google, or Apple accounts that you choose to integrate with NowMap, including when you sign-up or log in through them. If you choose to integrate your NowMap account with a supported third-party single sign-on service, we will collect the authentication token provided by such third-party social network. If you choose to sign up with NowMap by using a social network or connect your existing NowMap account to other social networks, you will be prompted to provide consent via a popup notice informing you that by selecting 'Continue,' you will allow the platform to share information about you. Information can be shared with social networks when users share profiles, videos, and locations to other Third-Party Platforms, such as Facebook, Messenger, Message, Twitter, WhatsApp, Line, and Email. This information can include your username, videos, followers, location, and a URL to shared content. Information collected by these third-party services is subject to their terms and policies.

Location Information. We may collect information about where you are located, both generally and at the time you access the Service. For example, if you want to upload your content, you must turn on the Location setting on your device. NowMap will then be able to collect your location data. If you do not share your precise location with us, we may still use your IP address to infer your location for the purpose of providing the Service. We will not store every location you have been to, but we will store the last known location where you used the Service. Additionally, we will store every location where you checked in for your User Content. Note that your check-in location is not necessarily the same as your current location.

Other Information. From time to time, we may collect other information from you, such as when you make a claim for a prize pursuant to a contest or other promotions we may run, when you request assistance through our customer service department, or when you voluntarily subscribe to promotions, reminders, or newsletters.

Inference Information. We may also create new information about you by drawing inferences from the information identified in the categories listed above to reflect your preferences or personal interests.

2. How and when do we collect information about you?

NowMap gathers information about you through the following sources and means:

When You Provide Information. NowMap collects information when users voluntarily enter or upload information while using the Service, for example, your contact information, your photos and videos, content you make public, certain transaction and payment information, location information, and other information.

Through Your Communications. NowMap may collect information from you outside of your use of the Service, such as, if you email us (including any response to an email communication from NowMap) or communicate with NowMap via social media, or by tagging NowMap in a post. Information collected outside your use of the Service may be combined with information collected through your use of the Service.

3. How do we use your information?

By collecting the information, we can provide and improve our Service, personalize your user experience, connect you to your friends and other users, research and develop new products and features, fix technology problems, send you updates or communicate with you, and protect our community and User Content. Specifically, NowMap may use the information we have gathered from you or your device, including through Cookies and Third Parties, for the following purposes:

Business Purposes. When NowMap uses your information for a 'Business Purpose,' it means such use is reasonably necessary and proportionate to achieve an operational purpose of the NowMap. The following are the Business Purposes for which we may use your information: For Security, NowMap uses the information we collect from you and other users to detect security incidents, protect you and your information against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, and identify and prosecute those responsible for that activity.To Improve our Service. NowMap uses the information we collect from you and other users to improve our product offerings and services. For example, we may consider analytics, demographics, and user feedback in determining whether there is sufficient demand for a new service.

NowMap only processes your information to the extent that is necessary to accomplish the above-stated Business and Commercial Purposes. NowMap only uses your information when the law permits us to. Most commonly, NowMap will use your information where: we have obtained your consent, it is necessary for the performance of a contract with you, we need to comply with our legal obligations, where it may be necessary to do so to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person, or it is necessary for our legitimate interests or those of a Third Party, and your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms do not override those interests. Subject to and where permitted by applicable laws, where we rely on our legitimate interests, which are to achieve our business purposes as set out above, we have undertaken an assessment where we have balanced your rights against ours to ensure that our interest is not overridden by the interests you have to protect your personal data.

4. How do we share your information?

The public at large and your fellow users will have access to the information and User Content you have published or uploaded onto our Service. For example, your username, display name, Avatar, and bio are shared in the community. If you share User Content (namely, comments, videos, likes, collections, and locations, publicly), it will be available to everyone. If you do not wish other users to see your uploaded video on NowMap, you may set your video to private when uploading the video. If you only wish your followers to see the videos you uploaded, you may set your account to private in the privacy settings. You are also able to select who can see your comments in the privacy settings. You should also keep in mind that even if you intend to share User Content only with select users (and accordingly apply the appropriate privacy settings), those users, and other persons (as the case may be), may use other methods and devices to capture and share your User Content or information without your permission. You are responsible for your User Content and should think carefully about what you make public, especially if it is sensitive information. NowMap cannot control the transmission of Public Content, even if you try to delete it.

5. Do we sell your information to others?

We do not sell any of your information to any third party.

6. How do we protect your information?

NowMap tries hard to protect your information and data, and prevent them from any unauthorized processing activities. Therefore, we employ technical, administrative, and physical security measures that are designed to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. However, no system can be completely secure. Should there be any breach in our security measures that cause your information and data to be subject to any unauthorized processing activities, we shall, where required by applicable law, inform you within a reasonable time, and guide you through any remediation steps. Nonetheless, the safety and security of your information also depends on you. Never share your password with any third parties and notify us as soon as possible if you believe your account security has been compromised.

7. How long do we keep your information?

NowMap will retain your information for the length of time necessary to fulfill the Business Purposes and Commercial Purposes outlined in this Privacy Notice, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law or due to a valid court order. We may also delete your personal data or content should it violate our rules or Terms of Service.In some circumstances, we may anonymize your information (so that it can no longer be used to identify you) for analytics or research purposes, in which case we may use this information indefinitely without further notice to you.

8. What are your rights when it comes to accessing, correcting, or deleting your information, and how can you exercise them?

Under certain privacy legislation, you may request to correct, amend, access, or delete your information. These requests can be made by contacting us via email at ([email protected]). Please note that we may need to request additional or specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your information (or to exercise any of your rights). Please include your name, username, and registered email with your message. To protect your privacy and security, we may take reasonable steps to help verify your identity before granting access, making corrections, providing you with information, or deleting information. We will not discriminate against you for making a privacy request or asserting privacy rights.

9. How do we protect the privacy of children?

NowMap will never knowingly collect any personal information about children under the age of 13. If we obtain actual knowledge that we have collected personal information about a child under the age of 13, that information will be immediately deleted from our database. Because we do not collect such information, we have no such information to use or to disclose to Third Parties. We have designed this notice in order to comply with the Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

10. How can you opt-out from marketing communications?

By providing your email address to NowMap through the Service or an email initiated by you, you consent to receive emails from us, including information concerning your account and advertising messages. Providing consent to promotional emails is NOT a condition of purchasing any goods or services from NowMap. You can unsubscribe to advertising emails at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link within the email, or by contacting us at ([email protected]). Please note that, even if you unsubscribe from advertising emails, we will still send you any necessary, non-promotional emails about your purchases, account, or updates to our Privacy Notice and Terms of Service.

11. How will you know when we change the Privacy Notice?

Each time you use our Service, the then-current version of this Privacy Notice will apply. Although most changes are likely to be minor, we reserve the right to modify this Privacy Notice by posting such modification on this page; however, if changes are significant, we may provide a more prominent notice or email you. Unless we receive your express consent, any revised Privacy Notice will apply only to information collected after the effective date of such revised Privacy Notice and not to information collected under any earlier version.

12. How can you contact us regarding this Privacy Notice?

You can contact NowMap via email at ([email protected]). In this case, your information transmitted by email will be stored. If needed, your information will be relayed to our Third-Party partners for the sole purpose of processing any request by you in the communication.